Just like any other magazine cover, there are particular conventions in which have to be followed in order to portray a sense of house style within the magazine; each piece of detail within a magazine has to be precise and consistent in order to convey this.
Typically there is a large image of one of the soaps in the middle of the page to attract their audience, images are generally bold, colourful and eye catching. However, around the main feature are images of other soaps and the headlines around them. Various stories are highlighted around the page and therefore this attracts a wider audience.
A puff is not conventionally used by all magazines but when used by publications, it enables the audience to get involved and feel a sense of community within the magazine. Puffs are generally competitions in which the readers can win items such as Ipods, Computers and even tickets to a concert or any live shows which are being broad casted at the time such as Britain's Got Talent.
The colours used are generally red, blue and yellow which can be seen as a odd group of colours, however, having established a sense of house style within the soap genre, audiences automatically know a soap magazine when they see one. In addition to this, the main magazine title which is always on the left hand corner of the front cover, it is mostly covered up, again which suggests that the readers already know the magazine and therefore do not need to always show the full extent of the logo.
Fonts are big and bold which attracts the readers to the magazine and emphasises the main story-lines in each of the soaps which is accompanied by a picture.
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